Ep.98 with Debra Huse

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Welcome to the conversation with Debra Huse!

Feature Conversation

In the conversation, you’ll learn how you can build unique strategies around different subjects to make your paintings stronger, the role of confidence in getting better and the secret to choosing the right brush. This seriously might solve 50% of your brush problems.

Extended Cut Bonus (Art Club)

In the Extended Cut Bonus, you’ll discover how to manage your palette so that you can create neutrals while also keeping your brights bright plus how to think about light so you can create your strongest work.

Bonus Guide: Head to Huse’s free guides and classes here and look for her 7 Steps to Plein Air Success. (Add the guide to cart. You’ll go through the checkout process but you don’t need to put in a credit card unless you snag one of her great classes while you’re there. You’ll get emailed a link to download the pdf good for 24 hours.)

Learn more about Huse here:



Ep.99 with Susan Greenstein


Ep.97 with Kimberly Kelly Santini