Color Mixing & the Color Wheel with Todd M. Casey

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Todd M. Casey (Ep.24) is back and he’s here to talk about a very practical tool, the color wheel.

There are a bunch of color wheels in his new book The Oil Painter’s Handbook: A Contemporary Guide to Color Mixing, Pigments, Palettes and Harmony and for today’s mini we focus on the one that’s most relevant to painters for color mixing, the traditional subtractive color wheel. Referred to in the show as The Color Wheel.

In the conversation, you’ll learn how it’s set up, what it’s based on and then we dive into using it for color mixing.

Learn more about Todd M. Casey:


This conversation is on the technical side. Because of that I will pause a bit more than normal and do some quick explainers. There’s so much cool technical stuff that Casey talks about and I want to make sure that no matter what color knowledge you bring into the conversation, that you can build on that with all the cool stuff Casey talks about.

In the interview, Casey works to simplify something that's complex. Which means anytime you do that, it’s a slice of the whole picture but not the whole picture. This is what makes color so fascinating as a topic.

But we just scratch the very very surface of color wheels, color mixing and color as a whole. So seriously, go check out his book, The Oil Painter’s Handbook.

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