Episode 4: Peggi Habets

In this episode watercolorist Peggi Habets talks about how her process, which includes thoughtful planning, allows her to be bold. She discusses the challenges she sees her students facing and gives practical advice for how to take good reference photos for portraits.

You can learn more about Peggi Habets at:


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PDF download of Habets’ palette, brushes and paints.

(Robot) Transcript


In the episode we talk about:

1:15 What attracts her to watercolor

1:40 Challenges of watercolor

2:15 What point she decided to get good at watercolor

3:33 How she focused her learning.

4:11 The importance of materials with watercolor

4:49 Biggest struggle she sees her students facing

6:19 What is moisture control?

7:12 Is moisture control a new idea to many of your students?

7:53 How a student controls moisture

8:23 Biggest challenge she sees her students facing with portraiture

9:27 Why the urge to skip drawing

10:28 Process

12:57 What the process gives her

14:02 Planning vs not planning

15:11 How to get bold, spontaneous looking paintings

16:14 The overwhelm of thinking

18:38 How she paints a face

22:42: Understanding the thicknesses of paint

24:44 The diversity of watercolor pigments

25:22 How accurate drawing helps someone paint loosely

26:46 How Peggi would suggest someone learns to draw

27:30 What is value and why it’s important

29:49 Darkest places on the face

30:29 Lightest places on the face

30:54 How to take good reference photos

31:39 What she takes and doesn’t take from reference photos

32:14 Bounce Light

32:50 Edges in the face

36:30 Good backgrounds

37:52 Color schemes: What are they and why useful

40:51 The freedom of understand color schemes

42:00 Mood

43:32 Advice on getting good

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