Meet Anne Abgott


Next week’s interview, and the last of 2019, will be with Anne Abgott.


Before next week’s conversation, let’s take a look at Abgott’s work and learn more about the artist

Abgott is a watercolorist. As a teenager she painted in oil but found watercolor after a friend talked her into taking a watercolor class. The friend never went back, but Anne had started on a path that would lead her to writing a book, film three video workshops, become a signature member of some very prestigious watercolor societies and teach across the country.


Her early introduction to oil however did influence how Abgott approaches her paintings. Oil gave her an immediacy to working that she sought in watercolor. She doesn’t wait for multiple glazes to dry. She works directly on her watercolor paper, dropping in color as she goes. She has found ways to approach complex subjects while working fast.

Abgott paints across subject matter including portraits and landscapes and still life. A few years ago, Abgott realized she wasn’t happy with what she was painting and she changed her style. She takes images (and reference photos are incredibly important to her) and adjusts them in the computer until she likes the composition. She then paints that altered image. 


In the interview we talk about the difference between what students need to learn to paint and learn to paint successful paintings. We discuss what Abgott needs from her materials, how she sets up her painting time, and why she never throws away an unsuccessful painting. Plus a whole lot more.

To learn more about Anne Abgott check out her website and on Instagram. And join the weekly newsletter below to get new episodes (including Abgott’s on Monday December 9th.)

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