How to Improve Part-Time Painting with Bernard Dellario


Ep. 54 guest Bernard Dellario spent a career in finance. But he didn’t wait until retirement to start painting. In fact, Dellario became a sought after painter and teacher WHILE working full time.

He set up his study in two ways.

1) He took classes every week through the Art League in Old Town, Alexandria.

2) He dedicated weekends to practicing.

Put it to Practice

Painting takes a lot of showing up to do the work. But how do we get ourselves to show up?

The answer is different for everyone. But FINDING the answer is incredibly important.

Maybe you need just a little weekly inspiration and something like joining a Hashtag Challenge will keep you coming back to paint. Maybe you need a 20-day jumpstart and then you can take it on your own from there. Or maybe you need a little more consistent motivation, and a weekly class at the local community college is just the thing.

Painting takes practice. Practice takes showing up. While it’s a very simple idea, sometimes it takes a few iterations to figure out what combination of things we need in order to do it.

So if you’re having trouble making and holding a schedule for your art, try a challenge or a workshop or an online class. You’ve got amazing options. And once you find a rhythm and a schedule that works for you, you’ll find that it makes all the difference.

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