How Finding a Correct Way of Painting is a Little Bit Like Duck Duck Goose
Artists disagree all the time. As someone who is just learning to paint it can be really frustrating. “Artist A says this but Artist B says the complete opposite. Who is right?”
It can be maddening when you’re trying to figure out the Right Way to get good at painting.
In my interview with Jane Davies, we talk in depth about how she works. What I find so fascinating about how she works is that it is so incredibly different from Annie O’Brien Gonzales (Episode 1) and Chris Krupinski (Episode 2) who came before her in the interview series.
Let’s review:
Gonzales: Goes in with a plan. Brings up the painting biggest to smallest, back to front, but brings up the whole piece equally as she works. This works for her.
Krupinski: Goes in with a plan but the plan was worked out in her head and in her photo. No thumbnails. She draws the drawing on her paper and then begins at her focal point. She paints her focal point completely. She then works outward, finishing completely each section as she goes. This works for her.
And just when you thought these could be the only two ways of working, enter Jane Davies.
Jane Davies goes in with no complete plan. Yes, there may be goals for timing or mark making, but she doesn’t have a complete image in mind when she starts. She doesn’t think about composition until 10 layers in. Those first ten are about responding to paint and being aware of what’s happening with her visual language while she works.
This works for her.
Because here’s a painful truth: There is no ONE right way to approach your painting process.
Maddening...But maybe also freeing.
Because there is no one universal right way to paint a painting. But there are definitely a few that will work really well for you. You’ve just got to find it.
And even if it takes a while, don’t sweat it. Whatever you are doing right now, as long as you keep doing it, you’re going to get better at painting and find a process that works for you.
Take a listen to Jane Davies’ interview here.