#20for20 Spotlight: Maureen E.


Maureen E. has been a part of Ali Kay’s (Ep.61)Fresh Paint Membership. And has loved following Kay’s classes. She also knew it was time to see if she could take the steps Kay has taught her and try the process on her own.

And that’s exactly what she set out to do in her #20for20 Project.

How did you decide to approach the time side of the Challenge?

Since I already spend time daily with something painting related, I chose the 20 minute minimum so that I could focus on the challenge of painting without instruction, developing my own style, and completing something the same day.

You finished paintings in around 60 minutes or less… which you’ve said is fast for you. What did you find helped you most in getting your work finished in under 60ish minutes.

I decided to work with smaller than usual canvases (6x6) and kept my expectations low

How long did it take you to adjust into a quicker pace? What helped you do that?

I worked out rough thumbnail studies with the underpainting colors and the local colors as well as the study outline; it took less time to do this with each successive painting.

I had a self-imposed pressure to get the daily challenge done so I could continue on other on-going projects.

How did you approach the materials side of things? How did you decide what to use each day?

Since I was concentrating on technique more than anything else, I used paints I already have and am fairly comfortable with how to mix and familiar flat brushes.

I gessoed the batch of 6x6’s in one session.

I experimented with modeling paste for one painting (fun to try, learned not to apply so thickly and needed to adjust colors with white paste).

How much did you simplify your set up and materials? How much of a difference did that make in getting in and getting to work?

I feel I already have a simplified approach: I clean up everything after I paint so the area, brushes, and water are set up for the next day.

I am fortunate that I have a dedicated separate area that I can keep ready.

How did you decide what to paint each day? What about that way of working worked well and why? Did any parts of this cause pushback? (And how did you push through it?)

I used the provided reference images but then edited most of them to focus on less content.

It worked well insofar as I didn’t struggle with coming up with new ideas.

In general, I don’t like to do landscapes as I feel they require too much detail for my taste and abilities, so being “forced” to do them was a good exercise.

What were you hoping to explore in the Challenge? Why those goals? How is this different from how you'd worked previously? (schedule set up, materials, habit)

I currently have an annual membership for Ali Kay’s on-line classes as I am drawn to her style: bold colors, representational without trying to be photorealistic, playful.

I try to follow her process:

  1. Edit a photo to focus on a subject

  2. Trace the outline (drawing is an obstacle for me)

  3. Value study with 3-4 shades

  4. Underpainting colors (complementary color and temperature to local color)

  5. Layerings of local color (typically dark to light)

As I have attempted “solo” paintings using this technique, I have been unsuccessful in capturing a similar boldness which has been disheartening and somewhat paralyzing.

I signed up for the Challenge to force myself to try on my own and overcome inertia.

How did how you set up your Challenge help you reach these goals?

I set up the challenge by following Ali’s process steps 1-4. When it came time to step 5, I allowed myself fewer layers of color just to get done in under 60 minutes.

What benefits did you find working daily even if not necessarily for a long time? (learning benefits, anxiety benefits, just actually doing it benefits?)

I learned I can produce something daily and some I even like!

Once I get going, I feel immersed and then experimenting is fun.

So often we walk into a painting with a general goal. How did it change the experience to have a really specific goal for painting? What were the benefits of working that way?

Making myself paint anything without Ali’s instruction, whether it turned out or not, was a goal I needed to move forward.

Accepting the challenge freed me to try!

What was the most helpful mindset for you to try and keep during the 20for20?

My mindset was: “Let’s see what happens today.” It allowed me to not take anything too seriously.

So often the focus is on finished and beautiful work. Did you feel any difference in shifting the focus to the showing up? (The habit.)

I felt less pressure and therefore felt more like showing up.

What has been the biggest insight to you as an artist (or your practice) because of participating in the Challenge?

Only with practice will I develop my style. Allowing myself the freedom to experiment in small daily doses without pressure is going to keep me motivated and progressing.

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